Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Healthcare

About this Course

Machine learning and artificial intelligence hold the potential to transform healthcare and open up a world of incredible promise. But we will never realize the potential of these technologies unless all stakeholders have basic competencies in both healthcare and machine learning concepts and principles.

This course will introduce the fundamental concepts and principles of machine learning as it applies to medicine and healthcare. We will explore machine learning approaches, medical use cases, metrics unique to healthcare, as well as best practices for designing, building, and evaluating machine learning applications in healthcare. The course will empower those with non-engineering backgrounds in healthcare, health policy, pharmaceutical development, as well as data science with the knowledge to critically evaluate and use these technologies. Co-author: Geoffrey Angus Contributing Editors: Mars Huang Jin Long Shannon Crawford Oge Marques The Stanford University School of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Visit the FAQs below for important information regarding 1) Date of original release and Termination or expiration date; 2) Accreditation and Credit Designation statements; 3) Disclosure of financial relationships for every person in control of activity content.


  • Define important relationships between the fields of machine learning, biostatistics, and traditional computer programming.
  • Learn about advanced neural network architectures for tasks ranging from text classification to object detection and segmentation.
  • Learn important approaches for leveraging data to train, validate, and test machine learning models.
  • Understand how dynamic medical practice and discontinuous timelines impact clinical machine learning application development and deployment.

Artificial Intelligence: Ethics & Societal Challenges

About this Course

Artificial Intelligence: Ethics & Societal Challenges is a four-week course that explores ethical and societal aspects of the increasing use of artificial intelligent technologies (AI). The aim of the course is to raise awareness of ethical and societal aspects of AI and to stimulate reflection and discussion upon implications of the use of AI in society.

The course consists of four modules where each module represents about one week of part-time studies. A module includes a number of lectures and readings. Each lesson finishes with a mandatory assignment in which you write a short sum-up of the most important new knowledge/insight you gained from this lesson, and review a lesson sum-up written by another student/participant. The assessments are intended to encourage learning and to stimulate reflection on ethical and societal issues of the use of AI in society. Participating in forum discussions is voluntary but strongly encouraged. In the first module, we will discuss algorithmic bias and surveillance. Is it really true that algorithms are purely logical and free from human biases or are they maybe just as biased as we are, and if they are, why is that and what can we do about it? AI in many ways makes surveillance more effective, but what does it mean to us if we are increasingly being watched in more and more sophisticated ways? Next, we will talk about the impact of AI on democracy. We discuss why democracy is important, and how AI could hamper public democratic discussion, but also how it can help improve democracy. We will for instance talk about how social media could play in the hands of authoritarian regimes and present some ideas on how to make use of AI tools to develop the functioning of democracy. A further ethical question concerns whether our treatment of AI could matter for the AIs themselves. Can artefacts be conscious? What do we even mean by “conscious”? What is the relationship between consciousness and intelligence? This is the topic of the third week of the course. In the last module we will talk about responsibility and control. If an autonomous car hits an autonomous robot, who is responsible? And who is responsible to make sure AI is developed in a safe and democratic way? The last question of the course, and maybe also the ultimate question for our species, is how to control machines that are more intelligent than we are. Our intelligence has given us a lot of power over the world we live in. Shall we really give that power away to machines and if we do, how do we stay in charge? At the end of the course, you will have · a basic understanding of the AI bias phenomenon and the role of AI in surveillance, · a basic understanding of the importance of democracy in relation to AI and acquaintance with common issues with democracy in relation to AI, · an understanding of the complexity of the concepts ‘intelligence’ and ‘consciousness’ and acquaintance with common approaches to creating artificial consciousness, · a basic understanding of the concepts of ‘forward-looking’ and ‘backward-looking responsibility’ and an acquaintance with problems connected to applying these concepts on AI, · a basic understanding of the control problem in AI and acquaintance with commonly discussed solutions to this problem, · and an ability to discuss and reflect upon the ethical and societal aspects of these issues.

Machine Learning for All

About this Course

Machine Learning, often called Artificial Intelligence or AI, is one of the most exciting areas of technology at the moment. We see daily news stories that herald new breakthroughs in facial recognition technology, self driving cars or computers that can have a conversation just like a real person. Machine Learning technology is set to revolutionise almost any area of human life and work, and so will affect all our lives, and so you are likely to want to find out more about it. Machine Learning has a reputation for being one of the most complex areas of computer science, requiring advanced mathematics and engineering skills to understand it. While it is true that working as a Machine Learning engineer does involve a lot of mathematics and programming, we believe that anyone can understand the basic concepts of Machine Learning, and given the importance of this technology, everyone should. The big AI breakthroughs sound like science fiction, but they come down to a simple idea: the use of data to train statistical algorithms. In this course you will learn to understand the basic idea of machine learning, even if you don’t have any background in math or programming. Not only that, you will get hands on and use user friendly tools developed at Goldsmiths, University of London to actually do a machine learning project: training a computer to recognise images. This course is for a lot of different people. It could be a good first step into a technical career in Machine Learning, after all it is always better to start with the high level concepts before the technical details, but it is also great if your role is non-technical. You might be a manager or other non-technical role in a company that is considering using Machine Learning. You really need to understand this technology, and this course is a great place to get that understanding. Or you might just be following the news reports about AI and interested in finding out more about the hottest new technology of the moment. Whoever you are, we are looking forward to guiding you through you first machine learning project.

NB this course is designed to introduce you to Machine Learning without needing any programming. That means that we don’t cover the programming based machine learning tools like python and TensorFlow.


  • You will understand the basic of how modern machine learning technologies work
  • You will be able to explain and predict how data affects the results of machine learning
  • You will be able to use a non-programming based platform train a machine learning module using a dataset
  • You will be able to form an informed opinion on the benefits and dangers of machine learning to society

Computational Neuroscience

About this Course

This course provides an introduction to basic computational methods for understanding what nervous systems do and for determining how they function. We will explore the computational principles governing various aspects of vision, sensory-motor control, learning, and memory. Specific topics that will be covered include representation of information by spiking neurons, processing of information in neural networks, and algorithms for adaptation and learning. We will make use of Matlab/Octave/Python demonstrations and exercises to gain a deeper understanding of concepts and methods introduced in the course. The course is primarily aimed at third- or fourth-year undergraduates and beginning graduate students, as well as professionals and distance learners interested in learning how the brain processes information.


  • Computational Neuroscience
  • Artificial Neural Network
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Biological Neuron Model

Syllabus – What you will learn from this course

Content Rating95%(8,784 ratings)


4 hours to complete

Introduction & Basic Neurobiology (Rajesh Rao)

This module includes an Introduction to Computational Neuroscience, along with a primer on Basic Neurobiology.

6 videos (Total 89 min), 6 readings, 2 quizzesSee All


4 hours to complete

What do Neurons Encode? Neural Encoding Models (Adrienne Fairhall)

This module introduces you to the captivating world of neural information coding. You will learn about the technologies that are used to record brain activity. We will then develop some mathematical formulations that allow us to characterize spikes from neurons as a code, at increasing levels of detail. Finally we investigate variability and noise in the brain, and how our models can accommodate them.

8 videos (Total 167 min), 3 readings, 1 quizSee All


3 hours to complete

Extracting Information from Neurons: Neural Decoding (Adrienne Fairhall)

In this module, we turn the question of neural encoding around and ask: can we estimate what the brain is seeing, intending, or experiencing just from its neural activity? This is the problem of neural decoding and it is playing an increasingly important role in applications such as neuroprosthetics and brain-computer interfaces, where the interface must decode a person’s movement intentions from neural activity. As a bonus for this module, you get to enjoy a guest lecture by well-known computational neuroscientist Fred Rieke.

6 videos (Total 114 min), 2 readings, 1 quizSee All


3 hours to complete

Information Theory & Neural Coding (Adrienne Fairhall)

This module will unravel the intimate connections between the venerable field of information theory and that equally venerable object called our brain.

5 videos (Total 98 min), 2 readings, 1 quizSee All


4 hours to complete

Computing in Carbon (Adrienne Fairhall)

This module takes you into the world of biophysics of neurons, where you will meet one of the most famous mathematical models in neuroscience, the Hodgkin-Huxley model of action potential (spike) generation. We will also delve into other models of neurons and learn how to model a neuron’s structure, including those intricate branches called dendrites.7 videos (Total 114 min), 2 readings, 1 quizSee All


3 hours to complete

Computing with Networks (Rajesh Rao)

This module explores how models of neurons can be connected to create network models. The first lecture shows you how to model those remarkable connections between neurons called synapses. This lecture will leave you in the company of a simple network of integrate-and-fire neurons which follow each other or dance in synchrony. In the second lecture, you will learn about firing rate models and feedforward networks, which transform their inputs to outputs in a single “feedforward” pass. The last lecture takes you to the dynamic world of recurrent networks, which use feedback between neurons for amplification, memory, attention, oscillations, and more!SHOW ALL SYLLABUSSHOW ALL3 videos (Total 72 min), 2 readings, 1 quizSee All


3 hours to complete

Networks that Learn: Plasticity in the Brain & Learning (Rajesh Rao)

This module investigates models of synaptic plasticity and learning in the brain, including a Canadian psychologist’s prescient prescription for how neurons ought to learn (Hebbian learning) and the revelation that brains can do statistics (even if we ourselves sometimes cannot)! The next two lectures explore unsupervised learning and theories of brain function based on sparse coding and predictive coding.4 videos (Total 86 min), 2 readings, 1 quizSee All


3 hours to complete

Learning from Supervision and Rewards (Rajesh Rao)

In this last module, we explore supervised learning and reinforcement learning. The first lecture introduces you to supervised learning with the help of famous faces from politics and Bollywood, casts neurons as classifiers, and gives you a taste of that bedrock of supervised learning, backpropagation, with whose help you will learn to back a truck into a loading dock.The second and third lectures focus on reinforcement learning. The second lecture will teach you how to predict rewards à la Pavlov’s dog and will explore the connection to that important reward-related chemical in our brains: dopamine. In the third lecture, we will learn how to select the best actions for maximizing rewards, and examine a possible neural implementation of our computational model in the brain region known as the basal ganglia. The grand finale: flying a helicopter using reinforcement learning!

Machine Learning Specialization


  • Build ML models with NumPy & scikit-learn, build & train supervised models for prediction & binary classification tasks (linear, logistic regression)
  • Build & train a neural network with TensorFlow to perform multi-class classification, & build & use decision trees & tree ensemble methods
  • Apply best practices for ML development & use unsupervised learning techniques for unsupervised learning including clustering & anomaly detection
  • Build recommender systems with a collaborative filtering approach & a content-based deep learning method & build a deep reinforcement learning model


  • Decision Trees
  • Artificial Neural Network
  • Logistic Regression
  • Recommender Systems
  • Linear Regression
  • Regularization to Avoid Overfitting
  • Gradient Descent
  • Supervised Learning
  • Logistic Regression for Classification
  • Xgboost
  • Tensorflow
  • Tree Ensembles

About this Specialization

The Machine Learning Specialization is a foundational online program created in collaboration between DeepLearning.AI and Stanford Online. This beginner-friendly program will teach you the fundamentals of machine learning and how to use these techniques to build real-world AI applications. 

This Specialization is taught by Andrew Ng, an AI visionary who has led critical research at Stanford University and groundbreaking work at Google Brain, Baidu, and Landing.AI to advance the AI field.

This 3-course Specialization is an updated version of Andrew’s pioneering Machine Learning course, rated 4.9 out of 5 and taken by over 4.8 million learners since it launched in 2012. 

It provides a broad introduction to modern machine learning, including supervised learning (multiple linear regression, logistic regression, neural networks, and decision trees), unsupervised learning (clustering, dimensionality reduction, recommender systems), and some of the best practices used in Silicon Valley for artificial intelligence and machine learning innovation (evaluating and tuning models, taking a data-centric approach to improving performance, and more.)

By the end of this Specialization, you will have mastered key concepts and gained the practical know-how to quickly and powerfully apply machine learning to challenging real-world problems. If you’re looking to break into AI or build a career in machine learning, the new Machine Learning Specialization is the best place to start.

Applied Learning Project

By the end of this Specialization, you will be ready to:

• Build machine learning models in Python using popular machine learning libraries NumPy and scikit-learn.

• Build and train supervised machine learning models for prediction and binary classification tasks, including linear regression and logistic regression.

• Build and train a neural network with TensorFlow to perform multi-class classification.

• Apply best practices for machine learning development so that your models generalize to data and tasks in the real world.

• Build and use decision trees and tree ensemble methods, including random forests and boosted trees.

• Use unsupervised learning techniques for unsupervised learning: including clustering and anomaly detection.

• Build recommender systems with a collaborative filtering approach and a content-based deep learning method.

• Build a deep reinforcement learning model.

AI For Everyone

About this Course

AI is not only for engineers. If you want your organization to become better at using AI, this is the course to tell everyone–especially your non-technical colleagues–to take.

In this course, you will learn: – The meaning behind common AI terminology, including neural networks, machine learning, deep learning, and data science – What AI realistically can–and cannot–do – How to spot opportunities to apply AI to problems in your own organization – What it feels like to build machine learning and data science projects – How to work with an AI team and build an AI strategy in your company – How to navigate ethical and societal discussions surrounding AI Though this course is largely non-technical, engineers can also take this course to learn the business aspects of AI.


  • Workflow of Machine Learning projects
  • AI terminology
  • AI strategy
  • Workflow of Data Science projects

how to make website using chat gpt, chat gpt for beginners

how to make website chat gpt for beginners

how to make chat gpt html

chat gpt for beginners

complete a cause study to manage a project from conception to completion


  • no programming experience needed. you will learn everything you need to know.


ChatGPT tutorial: How to create a website with ChatGPT

catch the first lesson to Start using ( ChatGPT 3.5) & with the Chat GPT !

ChatGPT is the hottest AI topic for the last weeks – everyone shares their conversations with it or answers regarding many problems. Also people share their insights regarding its ability to write a code – but we are not going to talk about it. In this tutorial we will create a website using ChatGPT. And if you want to create an app based on ChatGPT and other ground breaking technologies, you should consider enrolling in our AI Hackathons. So… don’t waste more time and jump in!

Midjourney Update: Learn how to use Midjourney to create images from your AI prompts.

Welcome to the ultimate guide to getting started with ChatGPT & Google Bard. In this course, you’ll learn everything you need about ChatGPT & Google Bard and how to use them for your business, digital marketing, content creation, or personal use.’

We’ll start with the basics, including what ChatGPT , why you should use these tools, and how they work. You’ll learn how to create your account and get started with ChatGPT.

You will also learn how to use ChatGPT & Google Bard to improve your business, content, or marketing and strategies to get the best ChatGPT .

You will also know how to complete whole process how you can make html page and css coding with using chat gpt.

To help you quickly start using Chat GPT & Google Bard, you’ll receive a downloadable list of prompts that you can try out yourself.

Who this course is for:

  • beginner html and css developers curious.

Course content

Pytorch Essentials

Learn Pytorch

Learn Activation and Transform Methods

Learn Tensor Operations

Learn Basics of Model Design

Learn Pytorch Studio


  • No Programming experience required.


PyTorch is a popular open-source machine learning library that is widely used for a variety of tasks in the field of artificial intelligence. It is particularly essential for deep learning, computer vision, and natural language processing, and is known for its ease of use, flexibility, and dynamic computational graph structure.

At the heart of PyTorch is the concept of tensors, a data structure that is used to store and manipulate multi-dimensional arrays. Tensors can be processed on either a CPU or GPU, making PyTorch suitable for a wide range of complex and computationally demanding tasks. PyTorch supports a variety of tensor operations, including indexing, slicing, transposing, and element-wise operations, and it provides a variety of functions and classes for building and training neural networks.

One of the key advantages of PyTorch is its dynamic computational graph structure, which allows for real-time modification of the model during runtime. This is particularly useful for deep learning, where the model structure may need to be changed based on the results of intermediate computations. PyTorch’s dynamic computational graph structure also allows for easy integration with other libraries and tools, such as NumPy, Pandas, and TensorBoard, making it a popular choice among researchers and practitioners.

PyTorch also provides a comprehensive suite of functions and classes for building and training neural networks, including common layers such as fully connected, convolutional, and recurrent layers. It also includes popular optimizers such as SGD, Adam, and Adagrad. Additionally, PyTorch integrates well with popular deep learning frameworks such as TensorFlow, allowing for the seamless transfer of models between different frameworks.

Another standout feature of PyTorch is its ability to seamlessly transfer models between the CPU and GPU, making it suitable for both research and production use cases. It also provides built-in support for CUDA, a parallel computing platform, and API for using GPUs, allowing for efficient processing on GPUs.

PyTorch is highly modular and customizable, allowing for easy integration with other libraries and tools. It also has a vibrant and active community of developers and users, providing a wealth of resources, tutorials, and examples for users to explore and learn from.

Who this course is for:

  • Developers learning Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

Course content

Learn Chat GPT from scratch, for free!

Master the many flavors of artificial intelligence

Help you spend less time on weekly administrative duties.

Think on how using Chat GPT might change your grading practices.

Hone your skills as a writer and watch your career grow


  • No prerequisites


ChatGPT is essential to learn for everyone because it is a powerful language model that can generate human-like text and hold natural language conversations with users. Here are a few reasons why ChatGPT is an important tool to learn:

Improved communication: ChatGPT can help individuals communicate more effectively and efficiently. It can generate text that is grammatically correct and contextually relevant, making it an excellent tool for business, education, and personal use.

Enhanced creativity: ChatGPT can also be used to inspire creativity in writing and storytelling. Its ability to generate text on a wide range of topics and in various styles can help individuals explore new ideas and create compelling narratives.

Assistance in research and analysis: ChatGPT can assist in research and analysis by generating summaries, abstracts, and reports. It can also help in data analysis by summarizing large amounts of information in a concise and coherent manner.

Accessibility: ChatGPT can make information more accessible by translating text into multiple languages, generating audio descriptions of visual content, and answering questions in real-time. This can be particularly helpful for individuals with disabilities or those who speak different languages.

Overall, learning ChatGPT can provide individuals with a valuable set of skills that can be applied in many different contexts. Whether you are a student, a professional, or just someone who enjoys writing and communication, ChatGPT has something to offer.

Who this course is for:

  • This is your chance to finally have your very own private guide. Improve your teaching and learning with the help of Chat GPT.

Course content

AI4ALL: Basics in Artificial Neural Network

Learn about the basics of neural network models without any prior knowledge

Learn to use python to design a neural network model without any prior knowledge

Learn from top tier Data Scientists to build neural network models for production

Learn to develop your own customized neural network models


  • No prior programming experience needed. You will learn directly in this class.


This course is created to follow up with the AI4ALL initiatives. The course presents coding materials at a pre-college level and introduces a fundamental pipeline for a neural network model. The course is designed for the first-time learners and the audience who only want to get a taste of a machine learning project but still uncertain whether this is the career path. We will not bored you with the unnecessary component and we will directly take you through a list of topics that are fundamental for industry practitioners and researchers to design their customized neural network model.  The course focuses on the Artificial Neural Network models and introduce the important building block using Tensorflow.

This instructor team is lead by Ivy League graduate students and we have had 3+ years coaching high school students. We have seen all the ups and downs. Moreover, we want to share these roadblocks with you. This course is designed for beginner students at pre-college level who just want to have a quick taste of what AI is about and efficiently build a quick Github package to showcase some technical skills. We have other longer courses for more advanced students. However, we welcome anybody to take this course!

Who this course is for:

  • Pre-college level students interested in neural network models

Course content