PouchContainer Training Course


21 hours (usually 3 days including breaks)


  • Familiarity with the Linux command line
  • A basic understanding of virtualization concepts
  • An understanding of networking concepts


  • Developers


PouchContainer is a lightweight container engine based on the OCI (Open Container Initiative) standard.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at developers who wish to build, ship, and run containerized applications using PouchContainer.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Install and configure PouchContainer.
  • Set up and run a PouchContainer container.
  • Use PouchContainer to deploy and manage containerized applications such as servers and web apps.
  • Use the Dragonfly P2P-base distribution system to distribute container images at scale.

Format of the Course

  • Interactive lecture and discussion.
  • Lots of exercises and practice.
  • Hands-on implementation in a live-lab environment.

Course Customization Options

  • To request a customized training for this course, please contact us to arrange.
  • To learn more about PouchContainer, please visit: https://github.com/alibaba/pouch

Course Outline


  • Enabling Lightweight Virtualization with PouchContainers

Overview of Linux Container Technology

Overview of PouchContainer Features and Architecture

Understanding the Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface (CRI)

Kubernetes Pods and the Container Lifecycle

PouchContainer vs Other OCI Container Runtimes

Installing and Configuring PouchContainer

Using the PouchContainer CLI and RPC Calls

Running the PouchContainer Runtime

Client-side Tool vs Server-side Daemon

Managing Images and Containers

Distributing Container Images Using Dragonfly

Managing Storage

Managing the Network and System

Working with the PouchContainer API

Interoperating among Multiple Runtimes


Summary and Conclusion

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