Course content
- Vectors Basics
- Vector Projections
- Basis of Vectors
- Matrix Basics from High school
- Matrices – Setting up the stage – Transformations
- Gaussian Elimination
- Einstein Summation convention – Non Orthogonal basis – Gram Schmidt Process
- Eigen Problems
- Principal Component Analysis – Application of Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
- Google Pagerank Algorithm
- SVD – Singular Value Decomposition
- Pseudo Inverse
- Matrix Decompositions
- Solving the Linear Regression using Matrix Decomposition
- methods
- Linear Regression from Scratch
- Linear Algebra in Natural Language Processing
- Linear Algebra for Deep Learning – Getting started with Pytorch
- Linear Regression Using Pytorch
- Python Basics
- Python for Data Science
- Basics of Statistics
- Appendix : Python for Data Science
- Machine Learning for Projects