Angular Overview
- What is Angular?
- Angular features
TypeScript Fundamentals
- Procedural programming
- Object-oriented programming
Preparing the Development Environment
- Installing and configuring Angular
- Installing and configuring Spring Boot
Angular Quick Start
- Developing a project
- Creating custom components
- Integrating Bootstrap
Web Services and Spring Boot
- Initializing a project
- Creating REST web services
- Returning beans
- Connecting an Angular frontend
- Connecting to JPA repository
Implementing Micro-Frontend Architecture
- Using different approaches to micro-frontend
- Understanding the micro-frontend framework
- Creating micro-frontend projects
Authentication and Security
- Setting up and working with Spring Security
- Using JWT
Testing the Application
- Testing with unit tests and mock test
Debugging the Application
- Handling Errors
Deploying the Application
- Deploying with Heroku
Summary and Conclusion