Angular and JavaScript Frameworks
- Processes and modules used in Angular to create web applications
Designing Web Applications with Bootstrap
- Processes and modules used in Boostrap to style web applications
Overview of the Front-End Development Cycle
- Front-end versus back-end
- JavaScript/TypeScript logic, CSS templates, and HTML templates
Preparing the Development Environment
- Installing and Configuring Angular CLI
- Creating a new Angular application
- Organizing folders and directories
- Setting up and managing a version control system (GitHub, GitLab, etc.)
Developing the Application
- Running the new Angular application on a development server
- Generating components with Angular CLI
Styling the Application
- Installing and configuring Bootstrap
- Installing and configuring a font and icon toolkit based on CSS
- Importing components to the specific route location as an object
- Creating presentation templates using Bootstrap elements
- Generating the UiModule in the application
- Implementing app components
- Implementing Navbar components
Testing the Application
- Automating browser refreshing after code changes
- Running Ng serve to find code errors
Deploying the Application
- Managing the Angular application on a localhost server
Securing the Application
Summary and Conclusion