What is Angular?
The process of creating single-page applications on Angular
- Stateful vs. stateless
- The evolution of Angular
Overview of MEAN Stack
- The components of the MEAN Stacks
- Front-end vs. back-end
Implementing a MEAN Stack Web Application
- Data storage, servers, and APIs
Preparing the Front-End
- Configuring Angular CLI
- Creating components
- Creating a client-side route
Preparing the Back-end
- Installing and configuring Express JS and NodeJS
- Integrating Mongo DB with Express JS and Node JS
Implementing Application Functionality
- Understanding how loop backs work
- Implementing REST APIs
- Carrying out CRUD (create-read-update-delete) operations
Running the Application
- Processing user queries
- Responding to queries
- Interacting with users
Deploying the Application to Production
Summary and Conclusion