SolrCloud Training Course


14 hours (usually 2 days including breaks)


  • An understanding of Search concepts
  • Basic knowledge of Java


Apache SolrCloud is a distributed data processing engine that facilitates the searching and indexing of files on a distributed network.

In this instructor-led, live training, participants will learn how to set up a SolrCloud instance on Amazon AWS.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Understand SolCloud’s features and how they compare to those of conventional master-slave clusters
  • Configure a SolCloud centralized cluster
  • Automate processes such as communicating with shards, adding documents to the shards, etc.
  • Use Zookeeper in conjunction with SolrCloud to further automate processes
  • Use the interface to manage error reporting
  • Load balance a SolrCloud installation
  • Configure SolrCloud for continuous processing and fail-over


  • Solr Developers
  • Project Managers
  • System Administrators
  • Search Analysts

Format of the course

  • Part lecture, part discussion, exercises and heavy hands-on practice

Course Outline


  • How SolrCloud compares with other tools (ElasticSearch, etc.)

Search engine fundamentals

Overview of Apache Lucene and Solr

Searching and indexing

Understanding sharding and replication

How SolrCloud works

Commit strategies

Cluster coordination

Writing slide-fault tolerance

Working with Apache ZooKeeper

Managing Solr config files

Closing remarks

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