28 hours (usually 4 days including breaks)
- Basic computer skills: surfing websites, running programs, saving and opening documents, etc.
- A prior knowldege of programming is high recommended
- Knowledge of javascript frameworks like NodeJS is high recommended
- Some experience with Linux/Unix environment is preffered
- Good to have an open source technology exposure
Course Outline
Introduction to Python
- Controlling the flow of your program
- Working with lists
- Working with the dictionary data type
- Manipulating strings
- Pattern matching with regular expressions
- Reading, writing and managing files
- Debugging your code
- Pulling information from the internet (web scraping)
- Working with Excel, Word, and PDF Documents
- Working with CSV and JSON
- Keeping time
- Scheduling tasks
- Launching programs
- Sending emails and other messages
- Manipulating images
- GUI Automation
Introduction to Blockchain
- History and Background
- Companies using Blockchain
- Introdution to Bitcoin, Ethereum and Hyperledger
- Centralized v/s Decentralized v/s Distributed Networks
- Real Time Challenges
Bitcoin and Why are they Important
- History and Background
- Characteristics
- Transactions
- Mining
- Hashing and Dual Key Encryption
- Proof of Work
- Merkle Tree
- CPU v/s GPU mining
- Consensus
- Brief Background
- Technologies Behind
- Smart Contracts
- Ether – The upcoming cryptocurrency
Blockchain for Development
- Ethereum Virtual Machine
- Introdution to Solidty
- Usage of Solidity IDE
- Setting up your first private Ethereum Network
- go-ethereum
- Genesis File
- Solc Compiler
- Remix IDE
- Connecting Nodes to Network
- Greeter
- Web3 Framework