14 hours (usually 2 days including breaks)
Knowledge of Deep Learning, and one of the following languages:
- Java
- Scala
and the following software:
- Java (developer version) 1.7 or later (Only 64-Bit versions supported)
- Apache Maven
- IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse
- Git
Deeplearning4j is an open-source, distributed deep-learning library written for Java and Scala. Integrated with Hadoop and Spark, DL4J is designed to be used in business environments on distributed GPUs and CPUs.
Word2Vec is a method of computing vector representations of words introduced by a team of researchers at Google led by Tomas Mikolov.
This course is directed at researchers, engineers and developers seeking to utilize Deeplearning4J to construct Word2Vec models.
Course Outline
Getting Started
- DL4J Examples in a Few Easy Steps
- Using DL4J In Your Own Projects: Configuring the POM.xml File
- Introduction
- Neural Word Embeddings
- Amusing Word2vec Results
- the Code
- Anatomy of Word2Vec
- Setup, Load and Train
- A Code Example
- Troubleshooting & Tuning Word2Vec
- Word2vec Use Cases
- Foreign Languages
- GloVe (Global Vectors) & Doc2Vec