Managing Kubernetes with Rancher Training Course


14 hours (usually 2 days including breaks)


  • Experience with Kubernetes.
  • Experience with distributed applications.
  • A general understanding of infrastructure and software deployment.


  • Software engineers
  • System administrators
  • DevOps engineers


Rancher is an open source PaaS platform for managing Kubernetes on any infrastructure.

This instructor-led, live course provides participants with an overview of Rancher and demonstrates through hands-on practice how to deploy and manage a Kubernetes cluster with Rancher.

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Install and configure Rancher.
  • Launch a Kubernetes cluster using RKE (Rancher Kubernetes Engine).
  • Manage multiple cloud Kubernetes clusters while avoiding vendor lock-in.
  • Manage Kubernetes clusters using their operating system and container engine of choice.

Format of the Course

  • Part lecture, part discussion, heavy hands-on practice

Course Outline


  • Rancher vs OpenShift

Installing and Configuring Rancher

Understanding Rancher’s Kubernetes Distribution

Starting the Rancher Server

Adding Hosts

Launching Infrastructure Services

Creating a Container Using the UI

Creating a Container through Docker Command Line

Creating a Multi-Container Application

Networking Between Containers

Service Discovery

Load Balancing Containers

Launching Kubernetes Using RKE (Rancher Kubernetes Engine)

Administering Kubernetes using Rancher

Managing Kubernetes Workloads

Health Monitoring

Backup and Recovery

Working with Catalogs

Working with the Rancher API (optional)

Summary and Conclusion

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