Docker for Developers and System Administrators Training Course


14 hours (usually 2 days including breaks)


Some familiarity with command line and Linux is an advantage.


Docker is a platform for developers and sysadmins to maintain distributed applications. It consists of a runtime to run containers and a service for sharing containers.

With docker the same app can run unchanged on laptops, dedicated servers and virtual servers.

This course teaches the basic usage of Docker, useful both for developers and system administrators. The course includes a lot of hands on exercises and the participants will practice in their own Docker environment and build their own Docker images during the 2 days.

Course Outline

What is Docker?

  • Use cases
  • Major components of Docker
  • Docker architecture fundamentals

Docker architecture

  • Docker images
  • Docker registry
  • Docker containers

The underlying technology

  • Namespaces
  • Control groups
  • Union FS
  • Container format

Installation of Docker

  • Installation on Ubuntu via apt-get
  • installation of newer version of Docker

Dockerizing applications

  • The hello world example
  • Interactive container
  • Daemonizing programs

Container usage

  • Running a webapp in a container
  • Investigating a container
  • Port mapping
  • Viewing the logs
  • Looking at processes
  • Stopping and restarting
  • Removing a container

Managing images

  • Listing images
  • Downloading images
  • Finding images

Networking of containers

  • Port mapping details
  • Container linking and naming
  • Linking and environment variables

Data in containers

  • Data volumes
  • Host directories as data volume
  • Host file as data volume
  • Data volume containers
  • Backup, restore of data volumes

Contributing to the ecosystem

  • What is Docker Hub?
  • Registering on Docker Hub
  • Command line login
  • Uploading to Docker Hub
  • Private repositories
  • Automated builds

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