Docker and Kubernetes: Building and Scaling a Containerized Application Training Course


21 hours (usually 3 days including breaks)


  • Familiarity with the Linux command line
  • A basic understanding of virtualization concepts
  • An understanding of networking concepts
  • An understanding of how web applications work


  • Software Developers
  • Architects
  • Deployment engineers


Docker is an open-source platform for automating the process of building, shipping and running applications inside containers. Kubernetes goes one step further by providing the tools needed to deploy and manage containerized applications at scale in a clustered environment.

In this instructor-led, live training (onsite or remote), participants will learn how to create and manage Docker containers, then deploy a sample application inside a container. Participants will also learn how to automate, scale, and manage their containerized applications within a Kubernetes cluster. Finally, the training goes on to more advanced topics, walking participants through the process of securing, scaling and monitoring a Kubernetes cluster.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Set up and run a Docker container.
  • Deploy a containerized server and web application.
  • Build and manage Docker images.
  • Set up a Docker and Kubernetes cluster.
  • Use Kubernetes to deploy and manage a clustered web application.
  • Secure, scale and monitor a Kubernetes cluster.

Format of the course

  • Part lecture, part discussion, exercises and heavy hands-on practice


  • Apache Tomcat and a Java EE application will be used as our demo servers and applications for containerization. However, *these are subject to change*. If you would like to see a specific application or related tool or technique covered in this training, please contact us to arrange.

Course Outline

[Day 01]


  • Containers vs virtual machines
  • Speed and performance

Overview of Docker architecture

  • Docker and the Linux kernel
  • Docker components (Docker client, Docker daemon, images, registry, containers)

Using Docker to run and manage containers

  • Images, containers, volumes, networks

Brief overview of container orchestration

Installing Docker

Pulling an image from the internet

  • Sample: Apache Tomcat

Running the container

Docker registries

  • Public vs private

Creating and managing Dockerfiles

Building a Docker image

Deploying a web application

  • Sample application: Java EE application server

How Docker containers communicate with each other

Configuring volumes and networks in Docker

  • Linking and state

[Day 02]

Deep dive into container orchestration with Kubernetes

Overview of Kubernetes architecture

  • Pods, labels/selectors, replication controllers, services, API

Installing a Kubernetes cluster

Creating Kubernetes pods, volumes and deployments

Grouping and organizing your cluster

Discovering and publishing services

Discovering and connecting to containers

Deploying a web application

  • Handling application components
  • Handling Database connections

Kubernetes security

  • Authentication & authorization

Advanced networking

  • Docker networking vs Kubernetes networking

Monitoring Kubernetes

  • Cluster logging with Elasticsearch and fluentd
  • Container level monitoring (cAdvisor UI, Influxdb, Prometheus)

[Day 03]

Scaling your Kubernetes cluster

Infrastructure for Kubernetes

  • Provisioning, partitioning, networking

Building a high-availability cluster

  • Load balancing and service discovery

Deploying a scalable application

  • Horizontal pod autoscaling
  • Database clustering in Kubernetes

Updating your application

  • Releases in Kubernetes


Closing remarks

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