Database Logic Migration Training Course


7 hours (usually 1 day including breaks)


Good understanding of SQL, database structure and fair understanding of procedural language (e.g. PL/SQL, SQL PL, etc…)


When migrating databases there are common ways of dealing with logic put either in SQL queries specific to the database or database procedural language (e.g. PL/SQL). This course covers techniques and strategies of making migration smooth. Also, it deals with possible performance and scalability problems.

This course is usually deliver with following databases: DB2, Oracle, MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, etc… but can be tailored to a specific migration project.

Course Outline

Database Logic analysis and problems

  • Where to find logic
  • How to distinguish logic which should be migrated out of database and the logic which can stay
  • Scalability issues
  • Creating unit tests

Migration strategies analysis – pros and cons

  • Flexibility vs speed
  • Speed vs scalability
  • Procedural Language to Service
  • PL to PL
  • Removing intermediate derived data (cash) and replacing with life logic
  • OLTP vs Warehouse

Design of new logic adapter service

  • Using traditional programming
  • Using Rule Engines or other Logic Engines
  • Unit Testing
  • Performance and scalability issues

Changing Client Site

  • ORM (Object-relations mapping) frameworks
  • Using web-service output instead of a query or stored procedure
  • Performance testing
  • Profiling (finding bottlenecks and performing optimisation)

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