Cassandra Administration Training Course


14 hours (usually 2 days including breaks)


  • comfortable in Linux environment (navigating command line, editing files with vi / nano)
  • For on-site courses, a laptop or desktop with 8 GB of RAM
  • For remote courses, a working Cassandra lab will be provided, and nothing is needed except a web browser


This course will introduce Cassandra –  a popular NoSQL database.  It will cover Cassandra principles, architecture and data model.   Students will learn data modeling  in CQL (Cassandra Query Language) in hands-on, interactive labs.  This session also discusses Cassandra internals and some admin topics.

Course Outline

  • Section 1: Introduction to Big Data / NoSQL
    • NoSQL overview
    • CAP theorem
    • When is NoSQL appropriate
    • Columnar storage
    • NoSQL ecosystem
  • Section 2 : Cassandra Basics
    • Design and architecture
    • Cassandra nodes, clusters, datacenters
    • Keyspaces, tables, rows and columns
    • Partitioning, replication, tokens
    • Quorum and consistency levels
    • Labs : interacting with cassandra using CQLSH
  • Section 3: Data Modeling – part 1
    • introduction to CQL
    • CQL Datatypes
    • creating keyspaces & tables
    • Choosing columns and types
    • Choosing primary keys
    • Data layout for rows and columns
    • Time to live (TTL)
    • Querying with CQL
    • CQL updates
    • Collections (list / map / set)
    • Labs : various data modeling exercises using CQL ; experimenting with queries and supported data types
  • Section 4: Data Modeling – part 2
    • Creating and using secondary indexes
    • composite keys (partition keys and clustering keys)
    • Time series data
    • Best practices for time series data
    • Counters
    • Lightweight transactions (LWT)
    • Labs : creating and using indexes;  modeling time series data
  • Section 5 : Cassandra Internals
    • understand Cassandra design under the hood
    • sstables, memtables, commit log
  • Section 6: Administration
    • Hardware selection
    • Cassandra distributions
    • Cassandra Nodes Communication
    • Writing and Reading data to/from the storage engine
    • Data directories
    • Anti-entropy operations
    • Cassandra Compaction
    • Choosing and Implementing compaction strategies
    • Cassandra best practices (compaction, garbage collection,)
    • Creating a test Cassandra instance with low memory footprint
    • Troubleshooting tools and tips
    • Lab : students install Cassandra, run benchmarks

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