14 hours (usually 2 days including breaks)
- A prior knowldege of programming and a basic understanding of blockchain networks is high recommended
- Knowledge of Node.JS is highly recommended
- Some experience with Linux/Unix environment is preferred
- Good to have an open source technology exposure
This course has been designed for developers and project managers who would like to experiment with Blockchain in their products and projects. The course gives a basic know how on how to set up your own blockchain application using Hyperledger Fabric.
Course Outline
Getting Started with Hyperledger Fabric
- Brief Background and Introduction
- Installations
- Binary and Docker Images
- Hyperledger Fabrics Samples
Setting up a Hyperledger Network
- Installations
- Network Artifacts
- Bringing Network Up or Down
- Crypto Generator and Configuration Transaction
- Starting the Network
- Environment Variables
- Channels and Chaincode
- Query and Invokes
- Docker Logs
- Chaincode Logs
Your First Application
- Setting up a Test Network
- Network-Application Interactions
- Playing with Ledger
- Quering
- Updates and Modifications