Deep Learning Prerequisites: The Numpy Stack in Python (V2+)

Course content

  • Welcome and Logistics
  • Numpy (New)
  • Matplotlib (New)
  • Pandas (New)
  • Scipy (New)
  • Bonus Exercises
  • Beginner Troubleshooting
  • Machine Learning Basics
  • Setting Up Your Environment (FAQ by Student Request)
  • Extra Help With Python Coding for Beginners (FAQ by Student Request)

Deep Learning A-Z 2023: Neural Networks, AI & ChatGPT Prize

Course content

  • Welcome to the course!
  • Part 1 – Artificial Neural Networks
  • ANN Intuition
  • Building an ANN
  • Part 2 – Convolutional Neural Networks
  • CNN Intuition
  • Building a CNN
  • Part 3 – Recurrent Neural Networks
  • RNN Intuition
  • Building a RNN
  • Evaluating and Improving the RNN
  • Part 4 – Self Organizing Maps
  • SOMs Intuition
  • Building a SOM
  • Mega Case Study
  • Part 5 – Boltzmann Machines
  • Boltzmann Machine Intuition
  • Building a Boltzmann Machine
  • Part 6 – AutoEncoders
  • AutoEncoders Intuition
  • Building an AutoEncoder
  • Annex – Get the Machine Learning Basics
  • Regression & Classification Intuition
  • Data Preprocessing
  • Data Preprocessing in Python
  • Logistic Regression
  • Congratulations!! Don’t forget your Prize