- Introduction
- Overview of React VR Concepts
- Installing Node.js
- Creating Your First Project
- Configuring Your Project
- Controlling Component through Props and State
- Setting the Layout and Style in Your App
- 3D Coordinates and Transforms
- Handling Input Events
- Rendering Fonts and Text in VR
- Viewing Your Project on a Mobile Phone
- Dealing with Local Storage
- Grabbing Information from the Web to Use in Your VR Application
- Other React VR Components
- Using Other APIs Available in React VR
- Publishing Your Project
- Summary and Conclusion
Tag: Java Script
Node.js for JavaScript Developers Training Course
Intro to Node.js
- RAM vs. I/O latency
- Blocking vs. Non-Blocking
- Event-driven Programming
- Event Loop
- Blocking The Event Loop
- Node.js Philosophy
Node.js Platform Setup
- Download and Install
- Node REPL
- First Hello World
Modules and npm
- Anatomy of a module
- Private code
- Accessing and using modules
- npm commands
- package.json
The Callback Pattern
- What are callbacks
- Callback-last
- Error-first
- When to use Event Emitters
- Binding Functions to Events
- Event Requests
- Event Listening
Error Handling
- Callbacks: Error-first
- Errors in Event Emitters
- Uncaught Exceptions
- Using Domains
- Why Buffers exist
- Creating Buffers
- Reading and Writing Buffers
- Manipulating Buffers
- What are streams
- Read and Write Stream API
- Flow Control
- Piping
- Duplex Stream
- Transform Stream
- Intro and Installing Express.js
- Building a Hello Express application
- Creating routes
- Rendering Layouts
- Using templates
- Adding partials
- Using locals and conditional templates
- Modularizing routes
- Listening for
- Broadcasting
- Answering questions
Connecting to Databases
- No SQL and Document Stores
- Relational DBs
- Configuration and platform setup
- CRUD Operations
HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS4 Training Course
- Overview of HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS4
- Understanding HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS4 features and architecture
Getting Started
- Setting up the development environment
Working with HTML5
- Understanding the basics of HTML5
- Using text formatting tools
- Links and nested links
- Working with lists, images, and tables
- Creating forms
- Grouping elements
- Using HTML5 tags
Building a website
- Understanding the website structure
- Developing the User Interface
- Capturing and storing data
Working with CSS4
- Understanding the basics of CSS
- Inline CSS
- Internal and external CSS
- Targeting elements in CSS
- Designing and animation with CSS4
Fundamentals of JavaScript
- Understanding the basics of JavaScript
- Working with data types
Advanced JavaScript Concepts
- Object Oriented Programming (OOP) vs. Functional Programming (FP)
- Understanding asynchronous JavaScript
- Using modules in JavaScript
- Using extensions of built-in objects
- Reflect API and proxy API
- Error handling in JavaScript
Testing and Extending the Application
- Preparing test environment
- Fixing bugs and errors
- Debugging the application
- Adding advance graphics
- Application support and optimization
Deploying the Application
- Choosing a host platform
- After deployment monitoring
- Modifying the application in production
Summary and Next Steps
Alpine JS Training Course
- Introduction to Alpine JS
- Installing Alpine JS
- Basic Alpine Components
- Visibility
- Models and X-ref
- Sidebars and Tabs
- Image Selection
- Scroll Detection
- Accordion Toggle and Loops
- Fetch and X-init
- Attribute binding
- Text and HTML
- Todo App and X-model
- Transitions
- Summary and Next Steps