Creating Desktop Applications with Python

Students in this course will learn the fundamentals of python programming which will give them a base to attend part 2 of the course which teaches how to create applications with a GUI (Graphical User Interface)


  • Students for this course will not require any prerequisites however they will require access to a computer.


Most students who learn programming only learn the basics of programming languages and never build up their skills to a level which can be useful for projects. This course gives students who have a foundation with programming with python an opportunity to expand their skill set with the ability to create desktop applications with a Graphical User Interface.

This course follows the philosophy that students must learn concepts, apply their knowledge, and create a useful product to master a skill. This is applied in the course by first explaining all required concepts such as geometry managers, widgets, and variables, and then working on a final project. The final project is a food ordering system for a restaurant. Additionally, there are quizzes after each concept is explained to ensure that students have ample opportunities to check if they have grasped the concepts. There are also additional opportunities for students to apply their knowledge in the form of coding exercises and assignments.

The course has 4 sections:

– Introduction

– Layouts and Geometry Managers

– Widgets and Variables

– Final Project

The knowledge gained in this course will allow students to create desktop applications which can easily be distributed in the form of an exe file for windows, or a dmg file for macs.

Who this course is for:

  • Students who have an interest in programming and need a place to start.

Course content

Python Tkinter for making Graphical User Interface

This is a project inclusive course for those who have just learnt basic python and want to explore the various libraries. Tkinter is the best library to make GUIs in python. This course will give you the necessary skills to make your own python GUIs(desktop apps) and even commercialize them


  • Basic knowledge of python will be very helpful


This course is for beginners who have just learnt python language as well as those with a keen sense of programming and design. Making GUIs is the basic step of design and this course gives you all the skills you need to make GUIs. It also inspires you to learn more and more features and make you own GUIs with creative color schemes and animations.

Who this course is for:

  • Beginner python developers who are interested in designing apps

Course content

Mini Python Projects

Use of different python Libraries

Making python projects

Short and long exciting python projects

Creating your own projects

Learn about different and useful libraries of python


  • Basic knowledge of Python Programming language


In this course you will get to learn about :

  • Some wonderful projects that will strengthen your CV
  • how to develop new project ideas in python programming language
  • how to implement new project ideas on your own.
  • Some best libraries of python like python-barcode, tkinter, etc.
  • Logic building ability for making projects
  • Some new concepts of python programming language
  • Build fun and memorable projects
  • Learn how to code in Python in simple and easy way.
  • Learn Python Functions Programming.
  • CREATE your own Programs and Applications
  • Graphical User Interface (GUI) in Python
  • Errors and Exceptions Handling
  • Be able to use the in-built Python modules for their own projects
  • Build Python Graphical User Interfaces(GUI) with Tkinter
  • Get a handle on working with Python 3
  • Working with text editors like Sublime text editor and Pycharm IDE.
  • Be able to program in Python professionally
  • Build GUIs and Desktop applications with Python

In this course you will learn to make different python projects which you can add in your CV to strengthen your CV . So that projects are basically named as:

  • Make animation using turtle module
  • Convert .mp4 to .gif
  • Make a barcode generator
  • Make internet speed checker using python
  • Make notification app using python
  • Make your own wikipedia
  • Make your own dictionary

Even in this course you will get to know about some exciting libraries of python which helps you to shorten your projects and help to make them in an effective way.

Who this course is for:

  • Any one who has interest in python can access this course
  • who want to develop some exciting python projects

Course content