- What’s new in Angular 6?
Overview of Typescript and ES6 JavaScript
- TypeScript Syntax
- Using the TypeScript transpiler
- Setting up Angular 6 and Typescript
Overview of Angular 6’s Parts
- Creating Components
- Databinding and String Interpolation
- Property Binding
- Event Binding
- Two-Way-Databinding
- Data Modelling
- Directives
- Bootstrapping
- Inputs & Outputs
- Angular CLI
Creating Your First Angular Application
- Planning the Application
- Setting Up an Angular Project and App Using the CLI
- Creating a Basic Project Setup Using Bootstrap 4 and Sass
Using Angular 6 Components
- Data Flow
- Working with AppModule
- Working with Custom Components
- Using Templates and Styles
- Using View Encapsulation
- Projecting Content
- Understanding Component Lifecycle and Lifecycle Hooks
- Using ViewChildren and ContentChildren
Databinding in Angular 6
- Overview of Property & Event Binding
- Binding and Assigning Aliases to Custom Properties
- Binding and Assigning Aliases to Custom Events
Working with Directives
- Built-in Directives
- Custom Directives
Angular 6 Services
- Creating a Logging Service
- Creating a Data Service
Using Dependency Injection and Providers
- Injectors, Provider, and Tokens
- Configuring Dependency Injection
- Configuring Your Provider
- Injecting Services into Components, Directives, and Services
Switching Pages with Routing
- Setting Up Routes
- Configuring and Loading Routes
- Understanding the Different Navigation Methods
- Using Parameters in Routes
- Creating Nested Routes
- Using Redirect and Wildcard Routes
- Understanding Route Guards
- Understanding Routing Strategies
Using RxJS to Create and Work with Observables in Angular
- Overview of Observables
- Overview of RxJS
- Building & Using Observables in Angular
Handling Forms
- Using the Template Driven Forms
- Using the Reactive Forms
Using Pipes
- Built-in Pipes
- Async Pipe
- Custom Pipes
Making Calls to External HTTP APIs
Using Angular Modules
Testing the Angular 6 Application
- Using Jasmine for unit testing
Debugging the Application
- Understanding Error Messages in Angular
- Using Sourcemaps to Debug Code in the Browser
- Using Augury
Optimizing the Angular 6 Application
Angular 6 Security
- Authentication
- What should and shouldn’t be written in Angular
Deploying an Angular 6 Application to Production
- Deploying to IIS, Apache, Nginx, etc.
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