- Understanding Unit Testing
Overview of Typescript Unit Test Frameworks
- Jasmine, Mocha, Jest, Chai
- Unit test uses cases
Setting up the Testing Environment
- Downloading and installing the libraries
- Installing and configuring an IDE
- Setting up a sample application
Overview of Typescript
- Typescript vs Javascript and other languages
- Understanding Typescript syntax and features
Writing Your First Unit Test
- Setting up a test
- Writing a test definition
- Working with nested scoping
- Creating assertions
- Running the unit test
Debugging the unit test
- Stepping through the code
- Creating breakpoints
- Setting up debug tasks
Expanding the Unit Test
- Writing a complex Typescript class
- Writing stubs and mocks
- Creating a Test Suite
Writing More Tests
- Testing Node.js
- HTTP endpoint unit tests
- Testing a REST APIs
- Writing an integration test
- Testing React components (optional)
Summary and Conclusion