Start Kali Linux, Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing!

Step by step instructions for insulation VirtualBox and creating your virtual environment on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

An introduction to attacking networks and breaking passwords.

Tips for remaining anonymous in hacking and penetration testing activities.

A clear understanding of what ethical hacking and penetration testing is.


  • Reliable and fast internet connection.
  • Wireless networking card.


You will get to see screen capture live tutorials showing you everything you need to do to get started with ethical hacking and penetration testing including information about all of the topics below!

Learn the basics of what ethical hacking and penetration testing is to decide whether you want to go to an advanced level! Get a full tutorial on how to install VirtualBox o including on Windows 8.1 and gain the ability to run Kali Linux in any environment. See what to do to create the virtual environment and learn the basics of the Linux terminal.

Continue through the course to learn how to stay anonymous with tor and use Virtual Private Networks (VPN). Follow this information with an introduction to the ethical hacking and penetration testing tools you can use to take your learning from beginner to advanced! See how to change a mac address with macchanger. Discover how to use aircrack for wifi hacking, learn about proxychains, and finish with denial of service attacks.

Take this course now to get your learning started fast as an IT security professional online!

Who this course is for:

  • You can begin this course with any level of knowledge and quickly start advancing your skills as an information technology and security expert anywhere in the world!

Course content

5 sections • 22 lectures • 4h 12m total lengthExpand all sections

Introduction to Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing.5 lectures • 49min

  • Ethical hacking and penetration testing. What is it and how can you use it?08:02
  • Prerequisites for this course.07:28
  • Basic terminology such as white hat, grey hat, and black hat hacking.12:00
  • Basic terminology including SQL injections, VPN , proxy, VPS, and key loggers.18:18
  • How to get the most out of this course and practice what you learn.03:08

Creating your hacking environment with VirtualBox and Kali Linux.4 lectures • 52min

  • Three key ideas for success using this course.3 questions
  • Installing VirtualBox with rpm plus why use a virtual machine.08:58
  • Installing VirtualBox using the default package manager from repositories.15:01
  • Creating the virtual environment.13:35
  • Installing VirtualBox Guest Additions14:40

Linux Terminal including basic functionalities and CLI.3 lectures • 39min

  • Introduction to the Linux terminal.09:31
  • Linux Command-Line Interface (CLI) basics.14:04
  • The Linux CLI explained in greater detail to give you a good understanding.15:26

Getting started using ethical hacking and penetration testing.9 lectures • 1hr 51min

  • Tor part 1.10:58
  • Proxychains part 1.12:01
  • VPN part 1.06:08
  • Macchanger part 1.12:23
  • Nmap part 1.17:34
  • Intro to wifi hacker cracking WPA⁄WPA2.15:14
  • Aircrack and reaver installation.12:44
  • Aircrack-ng crunch usage example 1.11:04
  • Performing denial of service on wireless networks part 1.13:14

Get the full course for answers to your questions + 23 hours of HD video!1 lecture • 0min

  • Bonus Lecture: Take the full hacking course for 50% off using this coupon!1 page

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