ELK: Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana for Administrators Training Course


  • Elastic Stack Overview (ELK)



  • What and Why
  • Terminology: Documents, Index, Shards, Node, Cluster, Scale Up/Out

Operate: Configuring & Deploying

  • Configuring Elasticsearch
  • Deploying Elasticsearch
  • Lab

Node: Discovery, Types, and Cluster State

  • Distributed Model and Discovery
  • Master, Data, Client, and Tribe Nodes
  • Master Election and Minimum Master Nodes
  • Cluster State
  • Shard Allocation

Backup: Snapshot and Restore

  • High Availability vs. Backup
  • Repository, Snapshot, and Restore
  • Internals

Production Monitoring

  • Alerting Best Practices
  • JVM
  • Query Performance
  • Thread Pools
  • Diagnosing Problems

Production Operational Best Practices

  • Memory
  • Networking
  • Disk
  • Security
  • Cluster Restart (Rolling and Full)


  • What and Why
  • Configuration
  • Inputs, Filters, and Outputs
  • Installation and configuration
  • Backup and restore
  • Cluster and availability nuances
  • Best practices


  • What and Why
  • Configuration Settings
  • Time Picker, Search, and Filters
  • Kibana Discover, Visualization, and Dashboard Interfaces
  • Installation and configuration
  • Backup and restore
  • Cluster and availability nuances
  • Best practices


  • Logs and problems
  • Filebeat architecture
  • Installation and configuration
  • Backup and restore
  • Cluster and availability nuances
  • Best practices

Summary and Conclusion

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