Business Modeling for an Agile Enterprise Training Course


  • Definition of an Agile Enterprise and its Enterprise Architecture
  • Comparison of the enterprise architecture’s purposes of Zachman, US FEAF /CISR

Elements of the Business Architecture for an Agile Enterprise

  • Business Architecture : the missing link between business strategy and enterprise architecture
  • Connections between the Business Architecture, BPM and SOA
  • Business Motivation Model (BMM) vs Enterprise Business Motivation Model (EBMM) and other Business Models,
  • The core structures and relationships in the Business Motivation Model (SWOT analysis, business vision, goals, objectives, missions, strategies, tactics, …) toward business processes
  • Guiding the Operating Enterprise using Balanced Score Cards,
  • The Business Architecture Views of the OMG : From the Strategy View to the Organizational View throughout Business Capabilities and Processes
  • Process Modeling : Essential elements, best practices
  • Process Modeling with BPMN adapted to the language of business owners and analysts : Basics, Process, Sub-process, Activity, Task, Pool, Lane, Detailed Events and Gateway typology, Synchronization, Connectors, Message Flows, Compensations, Good practices
  • Overview on the Process Modeling, Execution and Monitoring tools
  • Using BPMN and UML to model Business Processes and Business Objects (Resources)
  • Case Study : Refinement of Goals from the Business Vision toward Business Processes and Resources

Gaining Agility with Business Process using BPMN and UML 2

  • How to model business processes to render the underlying IT system more reactive to changes?
  • BPMN, UML and SoaML to support changes on the business process and business object models
  • Updating Target Architecture business models by changing strategies capitalizing on Business Capabilities
  • Case Study : Elaborating an agile process and resource model easy to maintain in face of changes

Adapting “business models” to changes of the business requirements

  • Modeling changes on goals, strategies, tactics and business rules
  • How to adapt processes and resources in coherence to such evolutions ?
  • Case Study : Adapting business processes and resources to changing business requirements and rules


  • Steps of an efficient Agile Process and Resource Modeling
  • Frameworks for tracing business requirements from the Business Motivation Model elements toward IT structures in order to better govern them in face of change.

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