Basics of Python Programming for Beginners (with Jupyter)

Python setup and Installation

Run Python Scripts in Windows

Understand how to create your own Python programs.

Basic Programming Concepts

Understand computer science concepts such as flow control and functions

Anaconda and Juptyer Installation

Write Python code In Juptyer


  • Just a Windows or Mac PC!
  • Access to the internet
  • An interest in learning Python


This class is a great way to launch a career that can range from $100,000-$175,000 a year!

Kickstart your learning of Python for web development, data science or automation as well as programming in general with this introduction to Python course. This beginner-friendly Python course will quickly take you from zero to programming in Python in a short period of time and give you a taste of how to start working with Python and Jupyter Notebooks.

Upon its completion, you’ll be able to write your own Python scripts. If you want to learn Python from scratch, this course is for you!

Who this course is for:

  • Beginner Developers looking to learn Python Basics

Course content

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