Advanced TypeScript Training Course


  • Overview of TypeScript features and advantages
  • Programming best practices and tips

Getting Started

  • Installing TypeScript, Nodejs, and Visual Studio
  • Initializing the server
  • Configuring access modifiers and compiler options
  • Setting up a Node.js project
  • Building and debugging Node.js TypeScript

Configuring Webpack and TypeScript

  • Enabling source maps
  • Using third-party libraries
  • Importing non-code assets
  • Building the application

Creating Custom Data Types

  • Union, Intersection, and Tuple Types
  • Type Guards, Type Casting, and Type Assertions
  • Creating arrays for custom types
  • Other types and examples

Applying Decorators

  • Enabling decorators
  • Creating class, parameter, and method decorators
  • Using property descriptors

Implementing Asynchronous Code and APIs

  • Using callbacks, promises, and async/await
  • Writing a REST API with Node.js and TypeScript
  • Testing APIs with Postman

Deploying Applications

  • Building production-ready applications
  • Deploying TypeScript apps with Docker
  • Deploying apps to AWS EC2 and Heroku


Summary and Next Steps

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