- Overview of micro-frontend architecture and core concepts
- Fundamentals of React
Getting Started
- Setting up the development environment
- Basics of module federation
- Other frontend frameworks
Building Micro Frontends
- Creating a project structure using React
- Converting to micro-frontends
- Modifying micro-frontend apps
- Sharing dependencies and linking multiple apps
Integrating Host/Containers with Micro Frontends
- Build-time vs run-time integrations
- Assembling the app components
Working with CSS in Micro Frontends
- Modifying the header component
- Understanding CSS in JS libraries
- Common issues with CSS in Micro Frontends
- Debugging and fixing issues
Configuring Authentication in Micro Frontends
- Implementation approaches
- Communicating authentication changes
- Adding an auth deploy config
Deploying Micro Frontends
- Requirements for deployment
- Implementing the CI/CD pipeline
- Testing the pipeline
- Running the deployment
- Verifying the deployment
Summary and Next Steps