21 hours (usually 3 days including breaks)
- Programming experience and ideally to be senior developer or Software Architect. Programming skills required (Minimum 3 years)
A tour of all available technologies for mobile development, as native development, hybrid development and cross native development. An introduction to the topics connected to the development of mobile apps as NoSql database, Cloud Computing, Social Networks and much more. A must for every software architect and senior developer involved in mobile apps development.
- Software Developers, Software Architects
Course Outline
Module 1
- Introduction to Mobile
- Native Development in Android, iOS and Windows Phone: Programming Languages, Tools and Technologies
Module 2
- Introduction to Native Cross Platform environments: Titanium Appcelerator and Xamarin
- Introduction to Hybrid Mobile Development: Apache Cordova
- Cloud and Mobile Development
Module 3
- Big Data and Mobile
- Integrate your app with Social Networks
- App Store, Google Play and Windows Phone Marketplace